New Year; new Chutzpah

After the very boring and dull 2020 (Thanks Covid and Modiji), the theme of 2021 is - to do things. Here comes the chutzpah, I still believe it is a good idea to document my monthly undertakings for the following two reasons :-

  • To document progress on new and old projects, thereby not completely forgetting about any of my older (incomplete) projects
  • This hopefully will serve as a self motivating tool, so that i can actually do things and not just while away my time.

Recapping January 2021

Very little travel this month, just a weekend trip to Phillaur to meet my grandmother, and a considerable amount of time was spent on fitting into the new job role. Made some progress on Geecco.

Personal Development

  • Dash - Learnt dash to build and host interactive dashboards using pure python
  • CSS + tailwind css - I practiced a lot of CSS while building those dash dashboards, also implemented tailwind css in geecco.
  • Javascript - Managed to make myself comfortable in javascript, i can understand and write basic code on my own now.
  • Took a webinar on introduction to reinforcement learning, planning to explore this in the coming months.

Other interests

  • Staring learning crochet, with ultimate objective of creating cute amigurumi toys. Slow progress, little to no practice done in the second half of the month. Will aim to post pics in the february recap.
  • Learnt how to picle carrots, cauliflower and turnips - my favorite winter pickle. Now I am atma-nirbhar on the pickle front

Books/ Audiobooks/ Podcasts

  • Sapiens - Finished sapiens after a long time, amazing read and would reccommend it to everyone
  • Short history to nearly everything (audio book) - Continued this audiobook, which gives a very macro picture of sciences in general. Piqued my interest in natural sciences, may plan to buy a compound microscope later.

Excercise/ Workout

  • Ran 2 5Ks over weekends
  • Average 11,367 steps/ day


  • Project Gecco - Improved the look and feel of the landing page, and the logo. Tried different features like carousels, css animations and played around with gradients and colors. Havent deployed the latest code, but need to implement the new design on the other pages of the website too.

  • Project McDuck - Not a very good monthly start. Lost some good returns (~25%) and more on one bad loss day. Monthly return of ~-27%. However still decided to start building a longterm portfolio.

  • Project Mittens - Had a good conversation with a cousin regarding a new project. I am not sure how this pans out, however will aim to build some data assets for him in february.