February is over ? Who stole February ?

After an eventful January, I am not sure when February passed by. Looking back I don’t remember doing anything worthwhile this month, and I blamed myself for burning myself out in January. That is also primarily the reason, why I am writing this so late in March. I thought I did not have anything to write about. Much deep thought later, I am realizing that I did accomplish a lot in this month, it just doesn’t look that much but I am hoping things will compound.

Recapping February 2021

Started the month with a short daytrip to Solan, no other significant travel in the rest of the month. Ran a new personal best in a half marathon and spent the first half of the month training bare minimum for the run. Did a couple of iterations of the Gecko design and came upon the realization that I must wireframe the design and all features first. Had some serious conversations with myself about wealth creation and my relationship with money.

Personal Development

  • Javascript - Upscaled further in Javascript, implemented the dragula library and also event listerners etc in JS
  • Finances - Came to realization that earning money ain’t that hard, it is remaining solvent so that you can use time to compound your money the hardest part. I always knew this, but I experienced it first hand this month, when I blew up my trading account. I have come up with a new strategy for wealth creation, one that is customized for me -
    • Increase your savings as a percentage of your earnings, continue with PPF, EPF and Mutual Funds. I am going to also start picking up index ETFs (probably a monthly SIP)
    • Continue to trade since you love trading, but always with constant paranoia.
    • Don’t carry trades overnight and know when is enough

Other interests

  • Pickles - I Sundried cherry tomatoes, and then pickled them with olive oil and salt. Bloody brilliant they were

Books/ Audiobooks/ Podcasts

  • Psychology of Money (audio book) - This is also an amazing book. This a compilation of short stories/ chapters which almost all of them are common knowledge, however still makes for a very interesting read/ listen. This was instrumental in me realizing my financial wisdom
  • Short history to nearly everything (audio book) - Finshed this brilliant book. I would like to reccommend it to everyone. This book is nihilist corporate person’s nightmare. This book tells you how insignificant you are on a macro level, but also makes you appreciate how awesome life is !
  • Homo Deus - Having finished Sapiens, picked up the second book by Yuval Noah Harari. Again a very macro futuristic perspective to things, but i like the way he writes his books.

Excercise/ Workout

  • Ran my personal best in the Punjab Half Marathon - 2:35:06 . I improved my previous best by ~9 mins. Could have honestly finished ~10mins earlier, but lost my motivation.
  • Average 11,683 steps/ day
  • Kind of lost my momemtum in the 2 half of the month, when I was recoviering from the half marathon, but did decide to train more seriously


  • Project Gecco - Designed and redesigned my web app a couple fo times, but still do not like the overall look of the app.

  • Project McDuck - I am not talking about it this month. Forgettable month. Blew my account, replenished my account, blew the second amount as well.

  • Project Mittens - Had a followup conversation about this particualr project. This project has now gone on an indefinite hold


See not that bad of a month, I did do a lot, but could not remember any thing when I started to write this down. I am hoping to continue this monthly, so atleast I can keep a track of what all I did in the entire month.