Novembers are always very hectic, this time more so

Novembers are usually very hectic, with a lot of birthdays, weddings and the festive seasons all rolled in one. 2021 was no different, very hectic with a lot of travel, family and trainings all mixed together. November saw Diwali, moving back to Gurgaon, weddings of 2 close friends some travel to Punjab and Delhi, all in anticipation of the crazy wedding week that was to follow in December.

Recapping November 2021

First part of the month saw the continuation of my depressive episode until Diwali/Bhai Dooj when I had an open conversation with my parents sharing that I am not mentally healthy. It was helpful to a certain extent, they gave me some more breathing space which was nice, I don’t think they fully comprehend what I shared with them. Also made me actually wonder how little do my parents actually know me, for example - my parents think I am overconfident/cocky in my abilities, and am the most positive/ cheerful person, which couldn’t possibly any further away from truth :P. Moving on I did manage to get back on track by the mid of the month, when I had to travel to Delhi on consecutive weekends to househunt, attend weddings etc. I travelled to Phillaur and Hoshiarpur too during this time to check up on Nanima and attend Angad’s wedding. The week post that saw me in ~12 hour daily trainings. The weekend post that also saw me attend the team offsite, which happened in Manesar, that was fun. In all a lot of shit was happening in November, maybe the reason i got out of the rut was that I had not time to think/ talk / feel sad.

Personal Development

I got back to listening to audiobooks, enrolled myself in multiple courses, however not too much was accomplished because well, no time you see.

  • Rust - Took up learning a new programming language - Rust did some intital lessons, but no headway here
  • Blender - Signed up for a course on Blender. My eventual goal is to mint some NFTs for myself based on blender
  • Screen writing - An impulse purchase but I am planning to see what Varun Grover has to teach about script writing/ poetry etc. Maybe would help me craft better story lines for my comic strip/ graphic novel

Other interests

  • Nothing of note here. Did watch a lot of TV/ Movies etc

Books/ Audiobooks/ Podcasts

  • Homo Deus - Finished
  • Skin in the Game by Nasim Nicholas Taleb - Started listening to this gem by one of my favorite authors to date, this book is very mind opening, helps you think in newer ways

Excercise/ Workout

  • Zero


  • Project Gecco - Zero
  • Project McDuck - Started selling weekly iron condors with adjustments to make consistent weekly profits, until the last week monthly expiry where i blew up all the cumulative profits and some more. Must stop doing YOLO trades.