Decembers are magical ? No.. they are the weekend of the year

December 2 was bittersweet, very hectic yet i snoozed all projects and spent a significant time proacrastinating and chilling. As someone rightly pointed out, no one is meant to work in December, it is the weekend of the year, you want to get cozy in a blanket and binge mindless television. Well guess who did that .. yes yes I did. I shifted back to Delhi NCR in the last week of November, so I did get a taste of the old life for a week, before the crazy wedding week happened. Two punjabi weddings, back to back from the same side of the family. Took atleast a week to recover and get back to normal functioning. Two more weeks of working from home, before the year end christmas break, which saw me traveling to Amritsar via Phillaur.

Recapping December 2021

Must start writing these at smaller intervals, ugghh. So the week of the wedding was fun, albeit tiring, tensions did flare up with a certain dipshit “jijaji” of the bride, who i would have actually beaten to a pulp had better sense not prevailed. I wish I had though, would have been fun to be in a fist fight after so long. I did have momentary emotional breakdown, where feelings of inadequacy set in, in th emiddle of a function, however I did learn that pushups help. I did then get drunk, and ended up having a good time. The work week was hectic and depressing, did manage to blow up my trading account one more time, however did get a special one time award from work - like employee of the year types. Spent a considerable time planning a trip for the year end, Rishikesh, MP, Kutch are notable mentions where plans were made and abandoned. I did end up going to Phillaur for 2 consecutive weekends, Nanima fell and fractured her arm, so got a chance to spend some quality time with her. Also called out some wrongdoings by a weird uncle we all hate, flaring up some family tensions. Did watch a lot of TV, as it was too cold to do anything else.

Personal Development

Nada, Zilch

Other interests

  • Nothing of note here. Did watch a lot of TV/ Movies etc

Books/ Audiobooks/ Podcasts/ Movies/ TV

  • Skin in the Game by Nasim Nicholas Taleb - Heard a couple of more chaptters, this is a good book.
  • Spiderman - no way home - This is an absolutely amazing movie
  • Matrix - Resurrections - Was forced into watching this one, but turned out to be a pretty good movie
  • Witcher, Money Heist, Decoupled, 83 ,Mystic River- Good TV Shows/ movie
  • Superstore, Suicide squad - Shit show/movie

Excercise/ Workout

  • Zero



Overall a good month, and a good year. Will plan to write more regularly and probably more detailed shit in 2022. Signing off 2021, cheers !