Welcome (20)22g !

2021 was a good year, progressed on some of our goals, battled some insecurities and depressive episodes, got into some good new habits. Journaling is something that I am glad I started and hoping to continue this year. I am also intend to journal/ log my activities at much more frequent pace than before, this way I am hoping to stick to it. I am aiming to push a weeklly update, and am currently sticking to keeping one blog post per month.

Week 1

Week1 had a slow start workwise, still hungover from the 10 day holiday break and the weather did not help at all. It has been so cold that you really do ont feel like getting out of the bed, and do anything productive. I spent the week thinking of the goals that I would like to achieve in the year, the main ones - get results from McDuck, run 1k+ km & 1.5k+ pushups and squats. Skilling up and leveling up is a constant from before. The weekends were chilled out, some day drinking and a lot of board games were involved.

Mental health checkpoint - Mental health was all okay, did have a day or day and a half where anxiety about the uncertainty with the third wave of the corona virus set in.

Week 2,3,4

Surprise surprise, I did not follow through the plan. I ended up having a covid scare and was not well most of week 2, and then just managed to do nothing too much in the remaining 2 weeks. Did get together with my friends and managed to play a lot of board games. Work has been crazy, and really did not get a chance to focus and do things i would have liked too. I did manage to come back to Gurgaon, this month.

Mental health checkpoint - Mental health was okayish, had a couple of bad days, especially when you make these unrealistic large option trades, and end up losing capital. Also I do now realise that euphoria of making a good trade does not offset a heartwrneching feeling of losing your capital.

Projects and other stuff

  • Project McDuck :
    • Week 1 (Net realized P&L) - +9.32k
    • Weeks 2,3,4 (Net realized P&L) - -1.36Lk
  • Books/ courses :
    • Bayesian Data Analysis : Read and discussed chapter 1 of BDA book.
    • Introduction to Bayesian statistics : coursera
    • iq84 - So i started fiction again !